Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The next two days are small...

Day 4 – Sunday September 30, 2012
Well, I moved into my apartment. Last night I crashed at the hotel, since I didn’t have sheets at the new place, and I got a bottle of wine, watched some TV shows and chilled till midnight-ish. Got up about 9am, in time to go shopping at the Carrefour Market (yes, they have a word for market in French, but they don’t use it for the store…), get some staples for a new home, and then moved my things over. Pretty good couple of trips then I unpacked everything I had with me and found out the crushing reality. My Ethernet connection won’t work because my recent reinstall didn’t include drivers for it. So here I am, at my new place, writing in Word so I have a summary for you guys. Got some more drinking done, this time 3 bottles of wine for 5€20, and watched some more TV. Good news is there is a place down the street (5 minute walk, on the outside) that has an open WIFI connection which I can use to get emails. So far nothing earth-shattering. I also took photos of my place before I unpacked, so you guys can have a look at those! Also, my landlords were kind enough to drop off a couple of sleeping bags that I can use to sleep with until I can get sheets.

Day 5 – Monday October 1, 2012
First day of work! Or at least that is what most people would think, in this program. I got up a bit late, since my day wasn’t starting till 15h15 and I spent some time just unpacking, getting to know the local eateries, just generally relaxing in my new location. Then I took the bus to school! Well, it is a really cute little place, but surprisingly, the entire thing is surrounded in a fence. I mean, the kids are locked in once the day starts, and can’t really get out without a teacher or secretary letting them past the gate. Had to buzz to get let in, myself. Everyone was so nice to me, introducing themselves, wanting to hear all about me, and using what little English they knew. The Principal introduced her job as being the “mistress”, a word she had probably learned from the British. I didn’t laugh at her, but I did consider it. I met the teacher I am going to be working with; she has a LOT of experience. She has had assistants quite a bit over the years, and she is 3 years from retirement (yes, I was suave and asked how she could retire at 40). She had my schedule set up that I would be teaching mornings at her school Monday and Wednesday, done both days by noon, and split 2 hours Monday and 4 on Wednesday. Not a bad schedule, and if I can get the other school to give me Tuesday and Thursday, I will get a three day weekend! Afterwards, officially signed the lease at my apartment, and got confirmation that I will be able to get insurance through his broker, which should be cheaper than what I could get on my own. All settled in for the week, have an appointment to open a bank account tomorrow, gonna apply for my social security number and return some paperwork to the school Then Wednesday, to Nantes for orientation, and Thursday, to my second school to meet everyone and set up my schedule!

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